The Rich Young Man's Sorrow

Christ and the Rich Young Man

As I was reading and meditating on today's Gospel about the Rich Young Man, the verse that struck me most, and has stayed with me a good part of this day was "...he went away sorrowful." What exactly made him sorrowful? Was it simply the fact that he did not want to hear what Jesus said about selling his possessions and giving the money to the poor, or was it something deeper?

In some ways, we are all the rich young man, and Jesus is telling us the same three things He told the young man in the Gospel: follow the commandments, sell all you have and give it away, and follow Me. However, those criteria may not mean the same thing for each one of us.

As I tried to see how the Holy Spirit was applying this to my own life and circumstances, I saw the "sell all you have and give it away" speaking to me of holy detachment. I sometimes find myself not only being materially attached, but also spiritually attached. Sometimes I find myself hoarding my faith and even God's love instead of giving it away to others in need. In my head I know that I can never run out of God's love, and the more I give it away, the more He will give. Yet, I find that fear and my own insecurities can prevent me from doing this.

We don't really know the reason for the young man's sorrow, but we can probably safely say that fear  of not knowing how he would survive or be happy without his many possessions had something to do with it.

Jesus tells us that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life... let's be bold in letting go of our attachments and find our life in Him.

Lord Jesus, I have so much and find that I am attached to so many things. Help me to see that You are everything, You are all that I need. Empty me of worldly attachments so that I may be filled with You and the treasures of heaven. Help me to love boldly, giving all I have to those who so desperately need it. Then let me come and follow You. 
